Token Allocation
Token Allocation:
Presale (33.75%)
Liquidity (16.35%)
First Staking Pool (2,60%)
Burnt (47.30%)
Token Allocation
The token allocation for PAP is divided into four parts: presale, liquidity, first staking pool, and burnt tokens.
The presale tokens account for 33.75% of the total token supply, which will be distributed to early investors and supporters of the project. The liquidity pool will receive 16.35% of the total token supply to ensure sufficient liquidity for PAP.
The staking pools will receive 2.6% of the total token supply to incentivize long-term holders and create a community-driven ecosystem. Finally, the burnt tokens will account for 47.3% of the total token supply, which will be destroyed to reduce the circulating supply and increase the value of each PAP token.
The Papillon Token has a unique tokenomics structure to incentivize holders and provide them with various benefits. PAP has an 8% transaction fee, which will be split among several features.
The first 2% of the transaction fee will be used to reward PAP holders with Doge coins, a popular cryptocurrency. The second 3% of the transaction fee will be used for marketing purposes to increase the awareness and adoption of PAP.
The third 2% of the transaction fee will be used for buyback purposes, which will decrease the circulating supply and increase the value of PAP over time. Finally, the last 1% of the transaction fee will be used to provide liquidity for PAP on decentralized exchanges.
Last updated